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David Hughes

Number of years experience: Zero - recent graduate


Hobbies/Interests: I am a big fan of Bouldering, and recently got into Freediving and Scuba Diving. I also like to Run and have been trying to teach myself Spanish. I love being out in nature in the sun.


Qualifications: BSc Physiotherapy, I also have a Lv3 Personal Trainer qualification (and was a PT for several years prior to University) and a qualification in Sports Massage Therapy.


Professional interest areas: Acute MSK injuries and Biomechanics (specifically with running). I am also keen on the idea of changing public attitudes towards exercise and movement to improve fitness and longevity in the wider population and try to reduce the incidence of injury. 


Anything else: I like to consider myself to be a caring and empathetic person, who wants to help people get back to living their best life and be able to command control of their own bodies through better movement and strength. My own training very often takes on the form of Calisthenics and bodyweight type movements as a result, I think being able to move your body through a variety of positions with control is important through all stages of life and something that modern life often robs us of, so we need to make extra effort to gain that ability back and keep it.

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